Fashion + Lifestyle + Travel


30 December 2018

My New Years Resolutions

To the year that was and to the year ahead. 

I came across my New Years resolutions for the last two years on my mobile phone. In my note sections of course. *eyeroll* I don't normally look at my notes section ( Clearly I do once a year, so that's a lie!) I was basically trying to delete some phone memory, so I could bloody upgrade my settings and flashing on my screen was some excess baggage for once in my life I was pleased to see. 
Within seconds I flicked through my past and present. 

I had completed them, all of those little fuckers New Years resolutions they tell you not to write down, so you don't feel bad after 12 months of being lazy.
Let's clear something up first, so this doesn't turn into one huge gloating post. 
I Kristy, Koutsogiannis don't and will not set high expectations for myself, you know I still have to live the achievable life, and when I mean I have completed all of them, I have completed them by my own rating scale. Yes, a strong 2.5 out of 10. 

Insert Smug look. 

So in favour of self promotion, I wanted to share with you my double ticks in New Years Resolutions, my notes on how I completed them at such an awesome level and of course bring on the note section of my phone for 2019. 

Also in my notes section it is a happy place of no grammar or spelling, just like this blog. 

As I bare my soul what are your resolutions?


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