Fashion + Lifestyle + Travel


25 March 2015


I have been a little obsessed with London and i can't help but fall more and more in love, whenever I see pictures, read poems or watch movies that are based there.
 I just get it, The London Look.

The Night City. By WS Graham
Unmet at Euston in a dream
Of London under Turner’s steam
Misting the iron gantries, I
Found myself running away
From Scotland into the golden city.
I ran down Gray’s Inn Road and ran
Till I was under a black bridge.
This was me at nineteen
Late at night arriving between
The buildings of the City of London.

19 March 2015


Stripes on Stripes on Stripes, ok hold up I'm not that far into the whole fashion world.  I like to sit on the sidelines, I mean I report the trends, I let people know what they can and should try, but never have I ever strayed a pinky toe out of my comfort zone and worn something a little too out of my depth. But hell, I'm in fashion I do what I want. 

13 March 2015


As we say Goodbye to our Australian Summer, and bring on that weird Autumn season, (oh come on people, you were all thinking it weren't you?) Let's just enjoy the last two weeks of heat, in above 28 degrees weather in colour, print and more colour!!!

10 March 2015

the new fashion rules

I'm going to be honest with you, while writing this post, all I had in my mind was Drakes lyrics, "Running through the six with my woes", blaring out of the stereo. That piece of information legit has no point to this post, AT ALL but besides I like the song. 
No it does, JOKES It doesn't. Sorry.